Thursday, January 26, 2006

"Someone Call Security!"

Today I registered for a free research orientation class at the Library of Congress. I'm embarrassed to admit that I've lived in Washington my entire life and have never actually used the Library of Congress. I've seen exhibits there, have been to a movie or two, have browsed in its gift shop, and maybe -- maybe -- as a kid went there once with my family. But I'm not sure I've ever even set foot in the famous Main Reading Room.

I'm taking one of my baby steps in a possible book project that I have told only two people about in specific terms. One of those people reads this blog. A couple of other readers know about this proposed project only in the vaguest of terms; I have withheld details from them, as I am, for now, from anyone else reading this. It will probably take years of research and is in a genre in which I have absolutely no experience -- and I don't even know if there's anything there -- but it keeps nagging at me and won't let me go. Why is it so hard to think about myself as someone who could write a book?

I think I've finally hit upon a theme for this heretofore-unfocused blog: insecurity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh! A book! How exciting! Have fun writing it :-)

It's probably best not to talk a lot about writing your book. Seems like there was a TV show or movie that had a plot point like that: People will ask you "How's the book coming?" and you will have to answer them ... or make something up ... and eventually you've "finished" the book even though you haven't started it.

8:24 AM  
Blogger beth said...

Yeah! Now you'll _have_ to write it to stop all your blog readers from nagging you about it.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Billy said...

Don't think I didn't think of that.

6:44 PM  

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