Saturday, October 07, 2006


Back from a solo Saturday-night visit to R's for two-stepping. A frustrating night -- I didn't dance at all and didn't stay long. When it's a good night, I love it. When there are few familiar faces and those I do recognize or vaguely know seem to be assiduously avoiding eye contact with me and I'm too intimidated to ask certain ones (whether from that group or not) and all of the leaders seem to be waiting for the followers to ask them to dance (how weird is that?) but not, apparently, for me . . . then not so much.

I'm a little addicted to R's and have been proud of myself not only for making huge strides as a dancer but also for venturing there on my own sometimes and even making friends (none of whom were there tonight, as noted above). But tonight as I left, I decided maybe I should pull back for a while. Why go so often when the cliquishness of so many people there -- not everyone but many -- aggravates me so?

As I waited at L'Enfant Plaza, my transfer stop, one of those new trains with ads on the outside pulled in. This is what the first train that came to a stop in front of me said:

Don't Take Fear for an Answer.

And the next train:

One Step Forward. Two Steps Forward.

It always stuns me when something like that happens. The universe really does pay attention.

It reminds me of the day I got my tattoo (an experience that engendered neither fear nor regret). Afterward, I got into my car and turned on the radio. There was some boring talk, so I switched to the country station. Here are the lyrics that came out of my radio at exactly the point I switched to that station.

Well I might go get me a new tattoo or
Take my old Harley for a three day cruise
Might even grow me a fu man chu

And it's a great day to be alive
I know the sun's still shinin' when I close my eyes
There's some hard times in the neighborhood
But why can't every day be just this good?


Blogger diablo said...

what if those "signs" are always around us but we only tune in to them when we're in the necessary mindset? is that the same thing? :)

my resistance to dancing at remmy's is partially due to the self-selecting process that takes place there. i go to halo to get my dose of that.

8:31 AM  
Blogger dykewife said...

sometimes the universe does manage to speak at interesting times. when i most needed it, the realization and learning about letting go was brought my way. i'm never sure whether or not it's a case of not being able to see it before i was ready, or if it was brought to me when i was finally ready.

either way, it does create some interesting epiphanes.

10:44 PM  

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