Thursday, October 11, 2007


Last night was what may turn out to be the last true evening of summer -- marked by pizza, wine, ice cream with homemade chocolate sauce, candles, and conversation in the garden. Tonight there's fall in the air -- though I'm kind of sorry to see the warm weather go, something I never would have said just a few years ago. Is this a sign of a snowbird in the making? God help me.

I did receive the AARP publications of my condo's deceased former owner in the mail today, as I have been ever since I moved in. (It doesn't seem like such a big deal, as I've been reading them at my parents' house for years.)

I made it to the gym tonight, there's banana-apple bread in the oven, and I'll make egg salad before going to bed at a reasonable hour for the first time in ages. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. Too much wasted time. I like the evenings too much -- too many bleary-eyed mornings as a result.

Am I building up stories, unbeknownst to me? Time will tell.


Blogger Cooper said...

Candles and conversation in the garden sounds so romantic! Actually, so does homemade chocolate sauce ... and banana apple bread (please may I have the recipe for the latter?). Yes, I find food and the ambiance with which it can be served, sensual. We are all always building stories, I think.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Billy said...

Actually, it was just a banana bread recipe that I didn't have enough banana for, so I shredded an apple into it to make up the balance. Came out really well! (Except for the burning the bottom part -- can't get used to my convection oven. I just sliced the burnt part off.)

7:36 PM  

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