Friday, February 23, 2007

Life Is Short

This StoryCorps segment on NPR this morning -- a 14-year-old girl interviewing her lesbian mother -- made the tears run down through the shaving cream on my cheeks. It's a familiar story, but that doesn't make it any less moving. If you have a couple of minutes, give it a listen.

Flipping through the new PostSecret book, The Secret Lives of Men and Women -- like all of the postcards on Frank Warren's blog and in his previous books, alternately sad, thought-provoking, deeply disturbing, and occasionally hilarious -- I especially noted these (which I think qualify for the sad, if not downright depressing, category):

"I'm 46, I'm gay and I still have not told my family. As a boy we used to be so close. Now I feel so distant and lonely."

"I knew I was gay on our wedding day but wanted children and feared AIDS."


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, thanks for sharing that. I've always found StoryCorps really interesting, and this segment was especially touching.

1:39 PM  
Blogger vuboq said...

I had to turn StoryCorps off this morning as soon as I heard it starting. I wasn't in the mood to begin the day being all depressed.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Billy said...

I didn't find that one depressing at all! It could be, depending on your experience and perspective, I suppose, but it ends in a really powerful love-affirming way.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Nell Minow said...

There is something about the courage to love completely that always slays me. Yesterday, I watched Rosie O'Donnell's documentary about the gay family cruise and cried at least three times.

And I think StoryCorps is one of the greatest ideas ever. I loved Paul Auster's collection of people's stories, I Thought My Father Was God. As the Talmud says (as quoted by Elie Weisel), "God created man because He loves stories."

11:47 PM  

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